1. Your Consent
You are invited to take part in this research project. This Plain Language Statement contains detailed information about the research project. Its purpose is to explain to you as openly and clearly as possible all the procedures
involved in this project so that you can make a fully informed decision whether you are going to participate. Please read this Plain Language Statement carefully. Feel free to ask questions about any information in the document. You may also wish to discuss
the project with a relative or friend or your local health worker. Feel free to do this. Once you understand what the project is about and if you agree to take part in it, you are asked to complete the following questionnare. By clicking the final submit button,
you indicate that you understand the information and that you give your consent to participate in the research project.
2. Purpose and Background
Spiritual Emergencies (SEs) may be defined as a process of spiritual emergence or awakening that becomes chaotic, traumatic or difficult for an individual to integrate into their existing psychological framework. Evidence suggests
that SEs are very closely related to psychosis and various other forms of psychopathology. Research has attempted to draw distinctions between SEs and psychosis but this is not yet clear. To date, no research exists which examines personality factors that
may be associated with SEs. The current research will aim to examine the relationship between SEs and psychosis as well as various personality variables. This will allow us to determine what personality types may be predisposed to SEs. A total of 200 people
will participate in this project. You are invited to participate in this research project because you have taken an interest in the topic under investigation and you might find that you gain from the experience of participating.
3. Procedures
An online questionnaire will be available for participants to complete and submit. This questionnaire will comprise a Physical, Mental and Spiritual Experiences Questionnaire (which measures a variety of physical, mental and
spiritual experiences); a Transliminality Scale (which measures experiences such as dream, reactions to music, various feelings, and belief in psychic ability); a Dissociative Experiences Scale (which measures levels of dissociation); a Creative Personality
Scale (which measures creativity); and five scales from the 16PF (which measure various personality variables) – Emotional Stability, Sensitivity, Openness to Change, Abstractedness and Tension.
4. Possible Benefits
The only possible benefit is that of being involved in and making a valuable contribution to scientific research.
5. Possible Risks
Possible risks, side effects and discomforts include possible boredom due to the length of testing. Participants may also be uncomfortable thinking about their prior experiences if they were distressing. Participants can withdraw
at any time from the study, and there are no risks if they do withdraw. There may be additional unforseen or unknown risks.
6. Privacy, Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information
Data on the questionnaires are confidential. All paperwork will be filed away in a locked filing cabinet located at Phoenix Institute of Australia, Melbourne, but must be retained for the mandatory six years. Individual participants
cannot be identified because no identifying information is requested. Only the principal researcher and assistant researcher have access to the paperwork. Data will be entered into an SPSS datafile on computer. Individuals in the project cannot access this
data, and they will not be given individual results, but they can see general sample results (i.e., a summary) just as it will appear in the published article. To summarize, no information obtained in connection with this project can be used to identify a
participant. The questionnaire does not require participants to provide names or any other identifying information. In any publication, only summary information will appear, and this same information will be available to participants.
7. Results of Project
Publication of the results (sample statistics only) will be in a peer-reviewed journal, and the principal researcher and assistant researcher can inform participants as to which journal the study will appear in as and when this
is negotiated by the principal researcher with a nominated journal.
8. Participation is Voluntary
Participation in any research project is voluntary. If you do not wish to take part you are not obliged to. If you decide to take part and later change your mind, you are free to withdraw from the project at any stage. However,
once you click the final submit button at the conclusion of the questionnaire, your data cannot be withdrawn as it is non-identifiable. Your decision whether to take part or not to take part, or to take part and then withdraw, will not affect your relationship
with Phoenix Institute of Australia. Before you make your decision, the assistant researcher (Kylie Harris) will be available to answer any questions you have about the research project. You can ask for any information you want. Click the submit button at
the end of this quetionnare only after you have had a chance to ask your questions and have received satisfactory answers. If you decide to withdraw from this project, please do not click the final submit button at the end of the questionnaire.
9. Complaints
If you have any complaints about any aspect of the project, the way it is being conducted or any questions about your rights as a research participant, then you may contact: Dr. Adam Rock adam.rock@phoenixinstitute.com.au
10. Reimbursement for your costs
You will not be paid for your participation in this project.
11. Further Information, Queries or Any Problems
If you require further information, wish to withdraw your participation or if you have any problems concerning this project (for example, any side effects), you can contact the principal researcher Dr. Adam Rock.
Dr. Adam Rock