314 Queen Street Melbourne, VIC 3000
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The Bachelor of Holistic Counselling is a significant investment in terms of time and money and it is important that it meets your needs and you are aware of its purpose, content and outcomes, especially in terms of how it may add to your own professional and/or personal development. Phoenix also offers a range of services and opportunities to support students during the course, and after they graduate.
Entrance Requirements
Prospective students who are considering enrolling in the three year Bachelor of Holistic Counselling (either full-time or part-time) have the following options:
1. New students who wish to commence study with Phoenix need to refer to the Prospectus for detailed information regarding entry Requirements and educational criteria. Students can enroll in the three year Bachelor of Holistic Counselling or choose to enroll in one of the Phoenix�s Transpersonal Counselling or Transpersonal Art Therapy Diplomas which are equivalent to eight subjects (one year) of the 24 subjects in the Bachelor Degree. On completion of one of these Diplomas graduates can commence Bachelor Degree in year 2. One of the advantages is that Diploma graduates can commence private practice while completing the Bachelor of Holistic Counselling.
2. A Phoenix graduate** can enrol in the Bachelor of Holistic Counselling and receive credit transfer for eight of the 24 subjects of the Degree and they will be required to complete the remaining 16 subjects to be awarded this Bachelor of Holistic Counselling. Refer to the Prospectus for more detailed information.
**Phoenix graduate is someone who has completed a Phoenix Diploma qualification or the CAE Diploma of Holistic Counselling.
The cost of each unit of study or subject for 2012 is $1,625 (There are 24 Subjects over 3 years)
A detailed Schedule of Tuition Fees for 2012 with a full break down of units of study by course, by class and including the commencement date, completion date and census date for each unit of study or subject is available on our website at the time of Enrolment.
Phoenix Institute is approved as a Higher Education FEE-HELP provider, eligible students have the option to apply for a FEE-HELP loan from the Australian Government to pay for all or part of their Tuition Fees. Students can either pay their Tuition Fees by making an upfront payment of all or part of their fees, on or before the census date, or apply for FEE-HELP, if eligible. A pay as you go, subject-by-subject payment plan is also available. Some banking institutions like NAB provide specialised loans to students. In addition you may qualify for student allowances, including Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy and the Pensioner Education Supplement. You will need to contact Centrelink to establish your eligibility.
What is FEE-HELP
FEE-HELP is a student loan scheme that is part of the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP). FEE-HELP assists eligible students to undertake certain courses and is aimed at removing financial barriers to study. It allows students to borrow funds up to their FEE-HELP limit to help pay for all or part of their Tuition Fees.
If a student takes up FEE-HELP, they are then liable to the Australian Government for their tuition fees which become for as a debt to the Australian Tax Office and they will pay it back to the Government through the Australian Taxation office once their annual earnings/income reaches a certain amount. more information on FEE-HELP can be sought from our office or from FEE-HELP link. Students incur a liability for FEE-HELP at the census date of each unit of study or subject. The census date for each unit of study or subject in your course is published in the Schedule of Tuition Fees on our website and upon enrolment.
Am I eligible for FEE-HELP?
To be eligible for FEE-HELP assistance, students must be able to provide a valid Australian Tax File Number, be an Australian citizen or the holder of a Permanent Humanitarian visa and reside in Australia for the duration of the course.
How do I apply for FEE-HELP?
As part of the enrolment process we will ask you for details on how you intend to make payment of your Tuition Fees. If you choose to be on FEE-HELP you will be required to complete a Request for FEE-HELP Assistance Form and provide your Tax File Number so that we can process this request
What to do next
Please email info@phoenixinstitute.com.au to book your place for the next Information Evening and receive degree information pack.
If you are interested in applying for the course, please complete the Application Form and call Phoenix on 03 9510 4264 to book in for an interview which is the first step in the enrolment process.