Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy (52454WA)
314 Queen Street Melbourne, VIC 3000
Aims of the Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy
The Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy allows individuals to acquire professional and personal life skills in the psycho-spiritual area, within a supportive and creative environment. These programs are aimed at cultivation of the person and community and to foster the creative development of ideas and human potential. Many people undertake these courses for personal development and for life transition. |
Students find their horizons expand and they either find more satisfying ways of working with what they are already doing or gain a new career.
Graduates work in a wide range of different areas including:
• Children and youth
• Aboriginal health
• Mental health
• Schools
• Correction and
• Community art
The majority of graduates are employed in government and non-government agencies, such as schools, welfare and human services. About 1/3 of students are self-employed, primarily in their own practice.
Phoenix staff and graduates have contributed to breakthroughs in a range of areas including:
• The development of new approaches to youth work
• Innovations in health and healing programs aimed at addictions in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities
• Research and development of education and self-care programs with respect to Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes and other chronic states
• Research and development on new understandings of spiritual crisis and emergence processes in relation to mental health
• Innovations on health and human development in the form of major self-care programs
• Extensive cross-cultural, corporate, community and individual consulting within Australia and internationally
Phoenix has established a national and international network of imaginative and active people to share knowledge, vision, strategies and support in addressing common human problems and the invention of the future.
There is a great need in modern life for practitioners with the skills to facilitate true healing. The courses provide a full life enrichment experience not only strong technical skills. Graduates feel empowered to make the most of their lives.
What is Transpersonal Art Therapy?
The Transpersonal approach deals with all of the common human problems which professionals encounter.
The goal of healing is not to adjust to the prevailing society but to touch and embrace in daily life that state which has been called liberation, enlightenment, individuation, self-realization or gnosis. In psychological terms, it means revealing the true self.
Transpersonal is a path to self-realisation. We are shown how to unlock the hidden dimensions of ourselves, and use these dimensions to:
� Find and create our life story;
� And through this story, find meaning, purpose and direction in our life.
� Heal ourselves and others;
� Reach our full potential;
� Understand the nature of the universe and our place in it. |
We unlock these dimensions using a range of healing techniques and states of consciousness that expand our awareness and vision. Healing techniques include:
� Meditation, movement, art
� Rituals and ceremonies;
� States of consciousness that mobilize our healing abilities; and
� Symbols and myth.
Why is transpersonal work important?
Transpersonal work provides people in crises with an alternative to symptom suppression. It helps them to creatively adapt to their crisis, using the experience to grow and truly heal. The experience is transformed into a breakthrough rather than breakdown.
Transpersonal work is crucial in today's polarised world. People need to connect with their humanity and understand where they fit in the universe. This understanding transforms feelings of alienation and disempowerment into a sense of peace and harmony. |

Phoenix Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Counselling and the Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy qualifications is also accepted as 1 year's credit transfer to Phoenix's 3 year Bachelors Degree in Holistic Counselling offered in 2011.
Employment Survey of Graduates
The Phoenix Institute’s transpersonal programs are particularly relevant for those who wish to gain employment in organisations such as counselling services, government agencies, alcohol and drug centres, rehabilitation, community health centres, outreach services, residential services, elderly, disability, refugee support services, youth centres and women’s health centres, men’s health services, schools, corrections and private practice.
In September 2011, Phoenix conducted an online employment outcomes survey of all its graduates. One hundred and six graduates completed this survey. The participants ranged in age from 23 to 67 years (average age = 44.4). The sample was comprised of 13 males (12.4%) and 92 females (87.6%).
1. Of those surveyed, 59% gained employment after graduating from one of Phoenix’s Diploma courses.
2. There is significant market interest in these programs.
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