Code of Ethics
Statement of Commitment
Each individual shares in the responsibility for creating and maintaining Phoenix's culture. The Code provides a positive impetus designed to help shape the ideals we seek to realise. Phoenix and staff are committed to the effective application of the Code of Ethics and to its periodic review.
In fulfilling, Phoenix's mission and as an acknowledgement of our shared values, we are committed to the following, Code of Ethics:
• We are committed to student-centred, quality learning opportunities.
- We assist students in achieving their educational aspirations by making available to them our knowledge, competencies, skills and wisdom.
- We encourage learning and education as a lifelong, pursuit.
- We provide a stimulating, learning, community and environment for students.
- We are reflective in our practice, regularly reviewing, and improving our working skills and knowledge.
- We help students to take responsibility for their development and also for the integrity and honesty of their actions and decisions. demonstrate, through teaching, learning and research, our commitment to high professional standards and personal integrity.
• We work towards building a harmonious working environment.
- We affirm the professionalism of our colleagues, trusting, and empowering them to work constructively for the well being of the Institute and the community.
- We recognise and respect, although we are willing, to question, established obligations, systems, policies and procedures.
- We encourage staff to be personally accountable for their own performance.
- We expect staff to be effective and responsible in their fields.
- We will consult with integrity in the development of policies and
- We will provide effective leadership and management which is fair,
inclusive and open.
- We support people who take appropriate action concerning, instances of impropriety.
- We challenge, in a responsible way, the policies and practices of our Institute when they impede its Mission or impact unfairly on staff or students.
- We will provide timely and accurate information to our colleagues.
- We promote practices which safeguard the Institutes reputation and its various resources.
• We recognise and value the contributions made by people to the Institute.
- We champion intellectual freedom.
- We respect the intellectual property rights of students and staff.
We encourage and acknowledge a range of contributions that support our values and principles.
• We demonstrate openness and fairness in all our dealings with people.
- We encourage honesty and trust in all our relationships.
We support equity and equal opportunity.
- We encourage the sincere and open discussion of views and opinions.
- We make appointments and promotions with integrity and fairness.
- We are committed to fair and equal treatment in all our business
- We ensure that assessment of student learning is done impartially,
competently and fairly.
- We use our talents, wisdom and expertise to assist in the resolution of conflict.
- We endeavour to provide resources and an environment in which assigned tasks can be done effectively.
- We encourage cooperation with others through the open exchange of information and insights that hope to realise our educational mission.
• We respect the essential dignity of all people.
- We care for and encourage colleagues, students and community members in their professional pursuits.
We encourage and support students in their pursuit of education and employment.
We respect difference and welcome creative, or alternative view points with due consideration for the reputation of staff, students and the Institute.
- We work effectively and constructively in the social environment of the individual countries within which the Phoenix Institute provides its learning, experiences.
- We encourage and support the education, professional and personal development of all staff.
• We recognise our responsibility to build healing communities.
- We provide quality education that builds the productive capacity of our communities both locally and internationally.
- We are creative and dynamic in our response to the challenges facing, society.
- We seek to understand and be concerned with the social contexts within which the skills or knowledge developed in the Institute are likely to be used.
- We encourage efficiency in the use of our resources, ensuring we do not compromise the quality of our teaching, learning and research.
• We care for the social and natural environment.
- We support the well being, of communities, both local and global.
- We foster and support multicultural environments and their spiritual traditions.
- We ensure staff and students have the opportunity to become socially and environmentally responsible.
- We will use our resources responsibly and actively seek to minimize of eliminate waste.
- We support and develop culture that engenders a respect for the social and physical environment and assist our students to explore and assess the impact of their professional practice.
- We encourage and value a safe, healthy, and creative environment in which to flourish.
• We value and support the right to confidentiality.
- We are committed to keeping private information confidential.
- Confidential information will not be disclosed unless with consent or as required by overriding moral or legal obligation.
- Where it is absolutely necessary to break a confidence, wherever possible the person(s) concerned will be informed of the decision to do so.
