Phoenix staff are selected for their passion, maturity, professionalism and their years of experience. They bring commitment and a sense of creativity to their work.
Janice Crittenden
Chief Executive Officer
BA (Psychology), Dip Business (Frontline Management), Dip Training & Assessment, Cert IV Coaching Mastery, M Spiritual Science
Janice has over 20 years experience in learning and development, organisational change and program and project management working in both the public and private sectors. She has experience as a manager, trainer, facilitator, executive coach, course designer and course developer. Janice has worked with a diverse range of organisations and industries including pharmacy management, call centres, hospitality, retail, finance operations, IT, Defence as well as extensive experience in Registered Training Organisation management. Working in these organisations has exposed Janice to numerous business models and management styles across a variety of industries.
Janice is passionate about bringing positive change to individuals and teams and is committed to providing services that transform their immediate environment. Specifically, Janice is committed to work towards assisting people to realise more of their own potential through their personal development and education.
Her interests include concepts of leadership, communication styles, adult learning and loves going to the gym and renovating houses.
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Carla Van Laar
Acting Head of School
Master of Creative Arts Therapy, Currently preparing Professional Doctorate(MIECAT), Grad Dip Creative Art Therapy(RMIT), Specialist Training Narrative Therapy(Michael White), Yoga Studies(Vivekununda Institute), Cert IV Training and Assessment, Cert IV Small Business Management, Advanced Certificate Art and Design, Cert Acting, Professional Member ACATA.
With twenty years experience in working with people through the arts, Carla is a committed advocate of the arts as healing, empowering and delighting for the body, mind and spirit. After studying fine arts (painting) as a young woman, Carla became interested in Community Arts and completed a number of public artworks and artist in residencies with local councils and schools. Carla's interest in the Arts in therapy was sparked by exposure to art therapy at the Royal Children's Hospital when visiting with her son. Carla completed her Master of Creative Arts Therapy in 2001 and since then has worked in full time positions in community, education, health and justice institutions as
a Project Co-ordinator, Clinician and Manager. Carla has co-authored chapters in "Healing the Inner City Child" (Jessica Kingsley Publishers) and "Knowing Differently - Arts based and collaborative research" (Nova Publishers) and is the author and illustrator of "Bereaved Mother's Heart", an arts therapy resource for working with loss and grief. Currently completing a Professional Doctorate at MIECAT and working in private practice based at her Brunswick Arts Therapy Studio 'aHa', Carla remains committed to the promotion of well-being and happiness through relationships and the arts. Carla is the President of the Australian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ACATA).
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Jo Harrison
Student Services Manager
BEd, Dip HSc (Hol Kin), Dip Kin, Dip Counselling, Cert IV TAA, Cert IV Small Business Management, Cert IV Flying Star Feng Shui Consultancy
Jo is an educator, counsellor and kinesiologist who has worked to provide solutions for individuals to minimize stress in personal and educational situations. She is interested in research that reveals the effects of stress when engaged in learning, and its effects on the brain’s ability to function efficiently. Jo has worked in education for over 20 years and in Private Practice for over 15. She has an holistic approach to mind, body, spirit medicine. She is skilled in techniques that heal and harness individual potential resulting in the ability to successfully gather strength and heal from within. Her interests include reading, yoga and meditation, creative arts and walking along the beach with her dog.
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Nidhi Gaur
Systems & Operations Manager
Bachelors in Technology(Electronics), Cert IV Training and Assessment
Nidhi migrated to Australia in 2009 and started her career in teaching with Swinburne TAFE. Nidhi is a qualified trainer according to Australian standard and completed her Cert IV in training and assessment from NMIT. She comes from teaching(IT) background in university sector in India and Swinburne TAFE Melbourne. She has over two years of teaching experience and continues to work in IT as a technical specialist. She joined Phoenix in March 2011 and since then taking care of all IT issues in the institute.
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Lilian Tann
Placements Manager and Lecturer
BBus (IT), Dip Transpersonal Art Therapy, Cert IV Workplace Training and Assessment, Qualified member of ACA.
Lilian’s career in IT spanned over 12 years in a variety of roles ranging from analyst to project and first line management in several large corporations Before joining Phoenix Institute, Lilian gained experience working with individuals and groups in various settings using the creative arts. She brings with her experience and insight on transitioning between different career paths, and is a firm believer in work placement.
Lilian is currently undertaking a Master of Arts in Creative Arts Therapy, and continues to develop her practice in using the creative arts as a tool for change, education and inspiration.
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FIONA HENRICH-0412828877
Student Welfare Counsellor
BA/BSc-HONS, Post Grad. Dip. (Clinical Psychology)
Fiona Henrich is a Provisional Psychologist currently completing her Post Graduate Masters in Clinical Psychology. She completed Honours in Philosophy researching the Mystical dimensions of Kabbalah and its correlation with Jungian theory. Her current Masters thesis investigates phenomenological evidence of the adaptive function of Post Traumatic Nightmares for PTSD sufferers. Fiona has a very strong experiential connection to Jungian symbolism and Dreamwork. She comes from an employment background in Counselling and Retail Management, and is both competent in evidence based therapeutic approaches as well as intuitive counselling.
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Marketing, Events & Professional Development Manager
BA(Psychology and Visual Art), Dip Transpersonal Art THerapy
Karlie comes from a varied background in Marketing and Business Management with a strong interest in design and the creative arts. She studied a BA in Psychology and Visual Art, and followed on to gain her diploma in Transpersonal Art Therapy at Phoenix Institute in 2007. Karlie returns to Phoenix with an interest in developing the business as well as her understanding of Art Therapy and Transpersonal work. Simultaneously, she channels her creative energy into her own line of handmade jewellery and accessories.
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Heath Ramsay
Prospective Enquires, Enrolments & International Students
BA(Acting) Honours(Performing Arts), Dip Transpersonal Counselling
Heath has joined the Phoenix Team after having worked many Administrative and Client Services positions over the last twelve years. He is currently finishing his Diploma in Transpersonal Counselling and is passionate to his fingertips about Counselling, Healing, Dreamwork, Ritual and Alternate Therapies. He works creatively as an Actor and a Writer and is keen to begin exploring and developing using the Performing Arts and dramatic expression as a healing modality.
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Heather Peters
Client Services
Dip Visual Arts, Dip Illustration, BA Illustration, Dip Transpersonal Art Therapy
Heather comes from a creative background and has joined the Phoenix team after completing the Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy. She has been running group workshops focusing on looking inwards and expression through art and movement. She hopes to expand her workshops to included Dreamwork, music and sand play. In her spare time Heather enjoys painting and organising art exhibitions.
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Head of Holistic Counselling Professor
Bernie Neville
MA Classics (Adel), PhD Education (La Trobe), Cert lV Assessment and Workplace Training
Dr Bernie Neville is Adjunct Professor of Education at La Trobe University where he has been involved for many years in the professional education of both teachers and counsellors. He is the author of Educating Psyche: Emotion, Imagination and the Unconscious in Learning and Olympus Inc: Intervening for Cultural Change in Organizations and numerous papers on Education and Counselling. He is president of the Australian Association for Holistic and Transpersonal Counselling.
Lecturer, Bachelor of Holistic Counselling
Dr David Tacey
BA Hons, PhD
Dr David Tacey is Reader and Associate Professor in the School of Critical Enquiry, La Trobe University, Melbourne. He teaches courses on spirituality, analytical psychology and cultural studies. He is the author of eight books and over a hundred essays and articles on these subjects. His main interest is tracking the ‘spirit of the time’ in contemporary society. He is on the editorial Board of Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche (San Francisco), Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture (New Orleans), International Journal of Psychotherapy and Politics (London and Chicago), International Journal of Children’s Spirituality (Brighton, England) and Spirituality and Health International (London). David's most recent book is Gods and Diseases: making sense of our physical and mental wellbeing, to be published in February 2011 by Harper Collins, Sydney. David is on the international teaching faculty at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, and gives short courses in Zurich.
Lecturer, Bachelor of Holistic Counselling
Julie Lacy
Dip. Prim Teaching, BA (Humanities), Dip. Psychodrama & Group Analytic Psychotherapy, Adv. Dip. Arts (Prof. Screenwriting), MA (Creative Writing). Reg. Psychodrama Psychotherapist, (British Psychodrama Association & UK Council for Psychotherapy), Reg. Teacher, (Victorian Institute of Teaching), Full Member, Australian Writers’ Guild.
Julie is an educator, psychotherapist, trainer, and writer with a performance arts background. She focuses on, and is uplifted by Story, as the essence of building relationship with Self and others. As a practitioner of psychodrama, she is enlivened by our stories in action and how our engagement in spontaneity, play, and performative ritual can spark deep insight and encourage healing and transformation. She has worked in prisons, hospitals, schools, universities, theatres, television, and government and non-government agencies in the arts and health sectors. She graduated from the National Theatre Drama School in Melbourne and trained and worked as a psychotherapist in the UK and was the founding Director of London Playback Theatre Company. She has written for theatre and TV, is writing two novels, and has co-written a chapter in Healing the Inner City Child: Creative Arts Therapies with At-risk Youth (JKP). She has taught psychodrama in the Master of Art Therapy program at a Melbourne university for eight years and currently works as a Group Program Facilitator for Veterans & Veterans Families Counselling Service. She is in private practise in Carlton working with individual clients and groups.
Lecturer, Bachelor of Holistic Counselling
Chris Cott
BaAppSc(Psychology)(Hon), PhD Candidate(Psychology)
Chris has a number of years experience teaching and lecturing in psychology at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. He is currently completing a PhD on the psychology of Daoism and has published a number of articles and book chapters on this and other topics. He also has extensive training in Chinese martial arts and meditation practices and is an active practitioner of a variety of spiritual systems. His main area of interest is the study and realisation of human potential.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Counselling
John Watkins
For many years John worked as a registered psychiatric nurse before moving into private practice as a counsellor, independent researcher, and mental health educator. The fact that “psychiatry” literally means “healing of the soul” has served as a personal beacon for John for over three decades, during which time he has written several books applying holistic principles to treatment, healing, and recovery, including Living With Schizophrenia (1996); Healing Schizophrenia: Using Medication Wisely (2006); Hearing Voices: A Common Human Experience (2008); and his current book Psychosis: Understanding and Healing the Wounded Soul soon to be published.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Art Therapy & Transpersonal Counselling
Linda Murrow
BA Anthropology, MA Counselling Psychology/Expressive Arts Therapy, Cert. Family Therapy, Specialist Training Couple Therapy, Cert lV Assessment and Workplace Training. Member: DTAA, VAFT, AARC, PACFA Reg. 20758
Linda completed her Masters in Expressive Arts Therapy in Boston and became a registered dance/movement therapist. She has taught Dance Therapy at Melbourne University and helped to develop the Master of Creative Arts Therapy and Graduate Diploma of Dance Therapy at RMIT, where she worked as a lecturer and supervisor for 12 years. Having further specialised in relationship counselling, she works for Relationships Australia and is part of their training faculty. She has a longstanding interest in depth-psychology, and has a private practice providing individual and couple psychotherapy, group work, and supervision. For many years she has been practicing and facilitating 'authentic movement', a Jungian-oriented approach to dance/movement therapy.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Art Therapy & Transpersonal Counselling
Judith Ayre
BA, Grad Dip Counselling, Grad Dip Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Dip Clinical Hypnotherapy, Dip Ed, Cert lV Assessment and Workplace Training. Clinical Member ACA (CPC Status), Individual Register Member PACFA, Member CAPAV(Clinical), Member IAPCC, VAHTC Full Member
Judith is a counsellor and psychotherapist who works holistically within a Transpersonal and soul-centred framework. She uses experiential and
arts-based practical processes with couple and families, as well as individuals. Judith is on the Individual Register of the Psychotherapists and Counsellors Federation of Australia and she also teaches at La Trobe University.
Lecturer Transpersonal Counselling & Transpersonal Art Therapy
Bridget Pannell
BA, Dip Transpersonal Counselling, Dip Health Sc, Cert IV Assessment & Workplace Training, ATMS, VAHTC
Bridget has a background in people management and development, teaches at Phoenix and La Trobe University and works as a counsellor in private practice, inspiring people to lead authentic lives. She is currently completing her Phd at La Trobe University.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Art Therapy & Transpersonal Counselling
Michael Shaw
BEd, Dip Transpersonal Counselling, Dip Transpersonal Art Therapy, Certificate IV Assessment and Workplace Training
Michael commenced his professional life as a teacher and then ran his own business. He is a qualified teacher in mindfulness meditation, teaches theatre improvisation classes and is currently studying transpersonal art therapy. Michael has a particular interest in men’s groups which saw him host a radio show about men’s issues called “Mankind” for two years.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Counselling
Biliana Dearly
Master in Counselling & HS, Grad Dip Counselling, Dip Transpersonal Counselling, Certificate IV in training and Assessment, Registered Clinical Member PACFA, Clinical Member CAPAV, MACA (Level 3)
Biliana is a counsellor and psychotherapist who works within humanistic, experiential and transpersonal approaches. Initially from an engineering and corporate background, as a therapist, Biliana has been trained in Transpersonal Counselling, Person-Centred Therapy, Process-Experiential Emotion-Focused Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Jungian Sandplay Therapy. She has extensive clinical ecperience covering a diverse range of mental health problems in a "dual diagnosis field". In her private practice, she provides individual therapy for children, adolescent and adults, as well as couple therapy.
Biliana has long-standing interests and explorations in the field of psycho/spiritual empowerment.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Art Therapy & Transpersonal Counselling
Tra-ill Dowie
B.A (history ideas/ Socio), B.A (Philosophy), Dip Transpersonal Counselling, Dip Transpersonal Art Therapy, Grad Dip Psychology, Grad Dip Jungian Studies, Masters of Counselling, Master of Mind and Society. Currently Preparing Ph.D in Psychological Medicine. Cert IV Assessment and workplace Training.
Tra-ill has worked of a number of years in various settings as a psychotherapist. Tra-ill’s Major practical interests have centered around and group psychotherapy and Existential approaches to therapy. Intellectually Tra-ill interests are broad covering topics such as the politics of therapy, the body in therapy, existential philosophy and phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Consciousness and applied Anthropology. Tra-ill’s Masters thesis was conducted on Nietzsche and Therapy and his Ph.D is exploring Merleau- Ponty’s phenomenology and its relationship to Immanence and psychotherapy.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Counselling & Transpersonal Art Therapy
Jane Hall
BAppSci (Adv Nurs), Cert Midwifery, MEd, Grad Dip Counselling & HS,
M Counselling & HS, Cert IV Assessment & Workplace Training, Cert TT & HT. Member: FRCNA (ret), AAHTC, CAPAV, TTAA
Jane is a counsellor, psychotherapist and bioenergetic therapist who works from a holistic and transpersonal perspective to support movement towards balance and growth. She uses a combination of person centered, experiental, art and process based approaches in her life, practice and teaching.
Lecturer Transpersonal Art Therapy
Katrina Grant
Dip Transpersonal Art Therapy, Dip Rem and Chinese Massage, Cert Lomi Lomi, Cert IV Assessment and Workplace Training, Dip Yoga Teaching KHYF
Katrina works with individuals and groups using art therapy and music. She was involved in establishing an art therapy program in Sri Lanka for orphans of the tsunami. She also teaches music and has a background in performance, body work and yoga. She has been teaching at Phoenix for the last 4 years.
Lecturer Transpersonal Art Therapy
Saskia Post
Dip Trans Art Therapy, Cert lV Assessment and Workplace Training, Cert IV Professional Writing and Editing
As a professional transpersonal art therapist, Saskia currently works in the community with a special interest in facilitating Mental Health and Palliative Care programs. She also runs Creative Expression and Drama workshops for children, adults and women’s groups.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Art Therapy
Carla Temple
Dip Trans Art Therapy, NLP, Dip Prim Teaching, Grad Dip Spec Ed,
Cert Assessment IV Workplace Training
Carla has been in education for 25 years. In conjunction with her business partner she has run an educational consultancy practice for the last 10 years, designing and presenting workshops for students, parents and educators nationally and internationally. She is coauthor of two books on education.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Counselling
Andrew Mournehis
Dip Transpersonal Counselling, Cert IV Assessment and Workplace Training
Andrew Mournehis graduated from the Phoenix Institute of Victoria in 2001 with a very clear vision that his gifts and passions were best directed in the power of group, story, archetype and the potent healing energy that is exchanged in each others stories, both personal and Universal. Being an already established yoga teacher, he spent the past 8 years facilitating many Healing groups, workshops, intensives and retreats both nationally and internationally working with the healing potential of Yoga and Transpersonal work.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Counselling
Paul Huxford
BSc(Hons), Adv. Dip, Dip Transpersonal Counselling,
Cert IV Training and Assessment, MACA, QMAAHTC
Paul comes from a professional background in the Business/IT industry, where he worked for 11 years as an analyst/manager.
He has been a practitioner of various spiritual therapies, a meditation teacher and a men's group facilitator for the last four years. He now combines teaching at Phoenix with a private counselling practice called Conscious Counselling, and is also a presenter with Bully-Busters, educating primary school children about the issues of bullying.
Lecturer, Dip. Transpersonal Art Therapy
Helen Plesar
Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy, Diploma Health Counsellor, Prof. Cert. Adolescent Counselling, Cert IV Assessment and Workplace Training, currently Dip. Ceramic Art.
Helen has worked and volunteered in not for profit organisations that offer psycho-social rehabilitation/support. Working holistically within a phenomenological, client centred framework is also the basis for ongoing group facilitation and dream-work. Helen has gone onto further explore dreams, symbolism, myth, divination and the souls’ journey since her studies. As a practicing ceramic artist for 17 years, this has further added depth to her understanding of “Art as Therapy”.
Lecturer, Transpersonal Art Therapy & Transpersonal Counselling
Sean O'Carroll
BA Hons (Philosophy), Dip Transpersonal Counselling, Cert lV Assessment and Workplace Training, Qualified Member AAHTC
Sean is a psychotherapist who works holistically with clients to facilitate deep and lasting change. Working from an authentic place of connection he utilizes multiple modalities including dream work, sand-tray therapy, and focusing to help clients gain clarity and initiate a journey of integration and healing. Sean’s practice is theoretically grounded in over a decade of study and exploration in the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis and psychology. He completed his honours thesis in the field of phenomenology, exploring the interface between the scientific paradigm and subjectivity, with a particular focus on the phenomenon of sacred experience. His current areas of interest include theories of psychosis and spiritual emergency. Sean maintains an active practice as a visual artist working in photography and video. Sean is a lecturer in both Transpersonal Counselling and Art Therapy at Phoenix Institute.
Lecturer, Art Therapy & Shamanic Practice.
Terry Larson
BA(Anthropology), BSW (hons). Advance Dip Shamanic PractiCE, Dip Transpersonal Art Therapy. Dip Transpersonal Counselling. Certificate IV TAA. Memberships. AASW.SPAA.IICT.
Terry initially trained in Anthropology and comparative religion with a specific focus on healing body, land and spirit. He has undertaken extensive training in Shamanism, Visionary Practice and Transpersonal Psychotherapy. He is a contemporary Shamanic Practitioner with a deep passion for the Traditional Medicine Ways. He is inspired by the Australian Dreaming Project, contemporary Anthropology, ritual and the awakening of personal mythology and transcendence.
He is a Registered Psychological Counsellor and has been in private practice as a Transpersonal Psychotherapist over ten years. Over that time he has also worked in Community Development, Community Mental Health, In-patient Psychiatry, Prisons, Not for profit community groups, Bush Fire recovery and Community Welfare, Counselling and teaching fields.

Lecturer, Art Therapist
Simona Weinstein
BA (Psychology), BBus (Accounting), Dip Transpersonal Art Therapy, Dip Theta Mastery, Cert IV Training & Assessment.
Simona has been working as an art therapist and counsellor since graduating from Phoenix Institute in both the public and private sectors. Her experience as an art therapist includes working with people in palliative care, mental health, youth-at-risk, bullying programs, eating disorders and Asperger's spectrum disorders. Simona has over 20 years' experience in business and coaching, and has lectured in universities and private workshops, locally and overseas. She has worked as an accountant and operations manager.
Simona's aim is to continue educating the public in Australia about the power of art therapy, offering this creative form of counselling as a mainstream therapeutic option.
Her life includes nurturing her family, painting, running, yoga and enjoying a hearty laugh.

Lecturer Transpersonal Counselling
Lloyd Volkwyn
B Comm, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dip Hyp CMAHA
Transpersonal Counsellor, Dip TPC SNTR
For the past twelve years Lloyd has consulted to the Phoenix Institute on financial and organisational matters
Lloyd has worked in the field of accounting and business management for the past thirty years in Australia and overseas (USA and Canada), as financial controller, company secretary, general manager, and in systems and organisational development. He has a diverse range of accounting, business, interpersonal and management skills, which informs his business management and organisational excellence. Lloyd holds a Bachelor of Commerce with majors in accounting and business economics, and trained in best practice and total quality management.
Lloyd's interests include the field of human potential, motivation, behaviour and coaching, which provide a unique perspective to integrating the complexities of diverse growth needs with strategic business leadership to achieve desired outcomes. Lloyd also developed Ripple Networks as a business planning, management, and financial reporting system - http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?wo=2006116805