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Shamanic Healing


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Transpersonal Counselling

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Diploma of Shamanic Healing


This is a comprehensive training program accredited by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists(IICT) for people wishing to further develop shamanic and psycho-spiritual modalities based on traditional techniques that have been adapted to modern contexts and healing methods. It is a course for people who want to apply shamanic methods and techniques for healing. You are not required to join any organisation or specific group nor does this program orientate around a particular individual. It is primarily designed to introduce students to shamanism for personal and spiritual development using shamanic technologies. This Diploma is not a nationally recognised course under the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

Diploma of Shamanic Healing

(IICT Accredited - one year 6 x 3 day Modules)

Module 1 Introduction to Shamanism

- Roots of shamanism

- Cultural diversity and practice

- Types of shamanic practice

- Shamanic technologies

- Totem - Shamanic paradigm

- Shamanism in a contemporary context

Module 2. Shamanism, Journeying and Altered States

- What is consciousness?

- What are “states of consciousness?”

- Para-psychology, PSI and shamanism

- Trance and Ecstasy

- Shamanic Journeying

Module 3. Shamanism and the Medicine Wheel (Residential)

- Introduction to the Medicine Wheel

- The four directions

- How to use the Medicine Wheel

- Exercises with the Medicine Wheel

- Medicine Wheel and Healing

- Sweatlodge ceremony

Module 4. Shamanism and Spiritual Growth

- Personal Totem

- Working with energy

- Shamanic initiation

- Personal power objects

- Shamanic healing technologies

Module 5. Shamanism, Myth and Ritual

- Shamanic cosmology

- Mythology and ritual

- Rites of passage

- Ritual and its application

- Connection to nature

Module 6. Shamanic Practice

- Shamanism and mental health

- Application of shamanic techniques

- Community building

- Working with your Totem

- Personal medicine

- Working as a practitioner

For more information regarding enrolment please contact Phoenix on

03 9510 4264 or email at info@phoenixinstitute.com.au


Transpersonal Counselling

Transpersonal Art Therapy

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